Lost and found | Heroes Made in Asia


Did you lose something during Heroes Made in Asia? Don’t panic! Maybe we’ve found it.

Whether it’s a debit card, something you bought during HMIA or a part of your cosplay, we’ve saved everything that’s been found. Have you lost something? Send us a message via the contact form on the website and we will see if it has ended up in our Lost & Found box!

More to explorer

Behind the booth! Exhibitor Highlight

At Heroes Made in Asia, you’ll find an array of exhibitors ready to showcase their creations and products. From artwork to beauty products, there’s something for everyone. Who are you excited to check out this time?

Genshin Impact

Asian Games: Our top 10!

This is our top 10 games of both made by companies in Asia or with an Asian setting in the game. Which game do you play or want to try??

Meet a few of our exhibitors!

It’s time for another round of our Exhibitor Highlight! During Heroes Made in Asia a variety of exhibitors will be showing you their work and products to sell. Who will you be visiting?

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