Yes! The new Master Ball is a must-have | Pokémon GO


Good news for all Pokémon trainers! After seven years a new special Pokeball is being added to Pokémon GO, with which you are 100% guaranteed to catch any Pokémon.

This incredibly powerful Pokeball is named the Masterball and it is very rare, but fortunately you can win it for free by doing story quests.

At the moment, only one Masterball is available in the game so far, so we strongly recommend all Pokemon trainers to only use them on the most diffucult of Pokémon. However, luckily Niantic has announced that there will be more opportunities to earn these Masterballs in the future. So keep on the lookout, so you’ll know exactly when the next Masterballs drop into the game!

We’re wishing you luck trainers, go catch-em-all!

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